employer tools
We provide powerful outcomes with data that improves business decision making
Hiring for emotional intelligence
Our employer tools provide you with the ability to scientifically assess capability, emotional intelligence and strengths to help your business and leaders achieve better outcomes, leading to improved performance. From tools to help you hire the right person for your culture, to psychometric assessments that help your leaders see their opportunity for growth, we offer a few, yet critical assessments that help your business to thrive, and your people to thrive.
a complete guide
This is the most beneficial, cost effective tool your business will ever use. Before finalising your next hire, consider an inexpensive Hiring for EQ profile, which also comes with a comprehensive interview guide for employers.
For $150 it would be the best investment you can make into improving your hiring process, finding the right fit, making the right choices, reducing turnover and improving workplace culture.
strengths profile
When we understand our strengths and where we draw energy, we feel more confident, happier, satisfied, resilient and better able to understand how to evolve our leadership. Our profiles give you insight not just into your strengths, but also into those that energise you and those that for whatever reason, you may have not had the opportunity to apply or use of late.
Your expert profile comes with a full debrief over 60 to 90 minutes.
For really powerful insights, team this with an EQ self assessment.
We promise that you’ll be inspired.
Book your profile and face-to-face or zoom debrief today.
180˚ and 360˚ leader assessments
For structured feedback, expertly delivered
Sometimes all you need is to provide leaders with feedback from those they work with.
A 180˚ or 360˚ assessment is the ideal approach to ensure the feedback is structured and delivered in a safe environment by a certified expert.
We are certified across a number of tools. Talk to us to find out more.
EQ self assessments
Start leading with emotional intelligence
This is an ideal way for leaders to dip their toes in and discover their strengths and development opportunities.
Completed online and debriefed over 60 to 90 minutes either face-to-face or via zoom, you'll be surprised at the insights and opportunities that follow. You can choose just the profile, or add a development guide for self-paced learning following your debrief.
trust assessments
Leader, team and organisation focussed
Trust in teams is essential to the health of your team's functioning and performance. We have been talking about trust for a number of years, well before Psychological Safety in teams became a trend.
This profile enables leaders to see how the team relates to them, and to each other. This is part of the Conversational Intelligence portfolio, talk to us today to find out more.