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49 items found for "conversational intelligence"

  • Take your Q with PeopleQ

    Episode 1 - An introduction to this new Leadership series with Suria and Mel

  • What I would do differently if I had an executive coach?

    I’ve been contemplating this. Back when I was in corporate, executive coaching was reserved for, well, executives, or coaching adopted to help navigate difficult situations/behaviours. So what could have been different for me? I would have spent more time self-reflecting which is the most critical muscle a leader can have. And perhaps I would have sharpened my awareness of my behaviour and actions, as well as that of others, to add more insight to my thinking? I would have been challenged to expand my perspective, to see it from another’s. Perhaps I would have been more empathetic and sharpened my people skills resulting in better relationships at work? I would have actioned monthly changes to my leadership style, and perhaps those small steps would have amounted to significant and positive change over the long haul? I would have bounced my thoughts and ideas around with someone else, and perhaps that could have led to more effective workplace decisions? I would have had someone help me navigate and manage my stress, and perhaps that could have improved my health and wellbeing? I would have found someone I could trust my deepest inner thoughts to, who would have seen what I couldn’t, and maybe their reflections could have resulted in bringing light to the beliefs that were holding me back? I would have had regular opportunity to release myself from the everyday doing, and perhaps this would have reignited my creativity and resulted in ideas with better execution? I would have checked that feeling in my gut, rather than sit with the circulating thoughts of doubt, questioning myself to the point of spiralling and feeling like all hope was lost, and maybe I would have found the courage to use my voice? I would have improved my memory of events, made more effective choices, become intimate with my values and beliefs and perhaps this would have built confidence and trust in me? I would have grown, taken more risks, used my voice more, and felt better about my achievements, and therefore happier and maybe this happiness would have spilled into my family and personal life. Melina Lipkiewicz is a certified IECL Executive coach and ICF member. To find out more about our coaching programs, visit our page here, or contact us for a confidential discussion. 0498 800 008.

  • What's driving the change to lead differently today? Leadership 4.0.

    Over the decades, research continues to weigh in on the benefits of emotional intelligence and positive based on emotional intelligence, with The World Economic Forum listing emotional intelligence as one in their roles scored significantly higher in emotional intelligence. They need to have courageous conversations addressing under performance, respecting there is a human at the center of that conversation.

  • Unleashing the power of leadership: A guide to Inspiring and Influencing others!

    Emotional Intelligence: Emotional intelligence is crucial to being an exceptional leader. By fostering emotional intelligence, leaders cultivate strong relationships, enhance collaboration, and By promoting collaboration and empowerment, leaders tap into the collective intelligence of the team, By embodying strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, authenticity, coaching, collaboration, and resilience

  • The Power of Executive Coaching: Revolutionizing Leadership Development

    Focus on Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence Our executive coaching places a strong emphasis on self-awareness and emotional intelligence, foundational to high performing leaders. With its personalized approach, focus on self-awareness and emotional intelligence, ongoing support and

  • Through COVID, new ways of leading emerged.

    shift our program, responding to this new need with the second evolution of this program, ‘Curated Conversations Collective Intelligence found its way into our dialogue, and into our being. experiences we offered evolved, we found it necessary and beneficial to hold space for unstructured conversations

  • Inspiring a Culture of Growth and Success. Leading for Impact!

    By fostering a culture of collaboration, leaders harness the collective intelligence of their teams, Amplify emotionally intelligent behaviours and trust.

  • The secret sauce to a thriving team.

    culture is one where people collaborate and thrive, than one of the most likely skill sets is emotional intelligence Genos took their deep love and insight for emotional intelligence a step further, and now we can offer

  • The superpower of resilience.

    In my experience the most valuable skills come from building your emotional intelligence and accessing You can find out more about our Heartmath and emotional intelligence programs by contacting Melina on

  • Is Empowerment a road to accountability?

    leaders are mostly likely not exercising self awareness, nor are they tapping into their emotional intelligence

  • When no news is actually bad news!

    In other words, speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes will be welcomed and valued. to challenge the status quo, to ask questions, share ideas, collaborate, offer solutions and raise concerns Now all of this requires voice, which means relying on our communication skills and our emotional intelligence Speaking up seems like a fairly straightforward concept and conventional wisdom would suggest that if My business partner shares many similar experiences and we see this often in our coaching conversations

  • Building your leadership muscle

    An emotional intelligence profile gives leaders so much more to work with and development tools that

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