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40 items found for "courageous conversations"

  • Courageous conversations fueled with empathy.

    Take a development approach to the conversation, share feedback and co-create the next steps. Pause, practice mindful breathing and go back into the conversation with your executive brain at work Ask questions, cultivate a two-way conversation.

  • The repercussions of speaking up. The pull between courage and fear!

    Akin a tug-of-war on steroids, the friction between courage and fear turned to internal turmoil. Still filled with doubt, I let courage take the wheel.

  • What's driving the change to lead differently today? Leadership 4.0.

    They need to have courageous conversations addressing under performance, respecting there is a human at the center of that conversation.

  • Why some leaders STAND OUT. And will be remembered as Great.

    I had a conversation with someone recently who suggested leaders are born. lead from the front often seen in amongst the trenches as I like to call it, and so they're called courageous They ask for support and are not afraid of publicly doing so, because their no 1 concern is their people They choose when to be steadfast and stoic, and when to show concern, empathy and grief. the importance of Purpose, People, Trust, Communication, Fairness and Equity in building resilience, courage

  • Employee Engagement tools: what not to do! Part 3

    It’s the team conversations that shape and give context to the scores and overall data. The richness and real transformation will always come from having the team conversations and following It does require an open mind, and it’s the leaders that are prepared to be courageous, show a little

  • Leaders, does it pay to be liked?

    and collaborative mode, less focused on inputs and KPIs which was my autopilot, and an unproductive conversation PeopleQ co-authors Curated Conversations, a safe and courageous space for leaders to explore the capabilities

  • The Upside of Failure: A Learning Culture

    And that in itself is a display of courage, optimism, a leader and team that show up. result trust is elevated and teams feel more confident to speak up, share thoughts and ideas, express concerns

  • Building your leadership muscle

    I love a courageous leader who wants to involve mostly rater's with a less favourable view of their style

  • What I would do differently if I had an executive coach?

    myself to the point of spiralling and feeling like all hope was lost, and maybe I would have found the courage

  • Curated Conversationalists talk CULTURE

    co-authored by Melina Lipkiewicz & Tim Collings

  • At the heart of it, there are good intentions

    We shared tips and tools from #conversationalintelligence and discovered as a community why good intentions #leadership #culture #peopleq #pqfactor #conversationalintelligence #emotionalintelligence #highperformanceteams

  • Remote coaching

    #emotionalintelligence #coahing #performanceuplift #trust #conversationalintelligence #growthmindset

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